Hello, my name is Lidia Rauramo.
I can offer you a unique combination of experience and skills relevant to leadership, self-leadership training, and coaching.
Currently, in addition to my work as an educator I am individual and team internal coach at Aalto University and Sampo Accelerator.
For the last seven years, I have been working as an educator in design thinking, teamwork, leadership, self-leadership, well-being, and entrepreneurship. Currently, I am a lecturer at Aalto University, Aalto Ventures Program (AVP). For more than six years, I have designed and taught offline, hybrid, and online programs, courses, and workshops for students, staff at Aalto University, and educators across the globe. High-quality modern content and delivery, up-to-date user-friendly engaging learning experience, and attention to feedback are the metrics for my work. I have designed, co-designed, and taught short and long courses, courses for 10 participants, and courses for more than 150 members. My expertise as a facilitator and expert is well suited for executive-level workshops, supported by my professional presentation and communication abilities. I am a team player and a good listener who used to work in multi-cultural environments.

I have two Master’s Degrees, both in Business and Executive Coaching training from Henley Business School. Alongside my master’s, I have been trained in project management and leadership. Before working at Aalto University, I worked for multiple years as a senior project manager in a nuclear corporation, where I gained industry experience. I was working in Rosatom on the big Company culture transformation project. Before Rosatom, I was working in the medical nuclear industry, doing business plans for medical equipment. Prior to this, I had been doing strategic consulting in Think Tank. Now I am finalizing a practical psychology adult online studies to support my coaching and facilitation practice.
I am interested in training and coaching because I like to work with people and for people. While working with Aalto students of all kinds (from BA’s to doctoral) and employees from different organizations, I learned how to connect with them and create for them the high quality learning journey. Aalto University gave me up-to-date pedagogical knowledge that left behind boring one-sided lectures. I confident that the combination of my human experience and pedagogy can help me to co-create an environment to empower the company’s employees.